Made by a team of five Drexel University students over the course of 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2023. The theme of the jam was "Roles Reversed." Our idea behind the project was to reverse the role of a typical player: get stronger. Instead of this, the player gets weaker, losing abilities as the game goes on.

WASD or arrow keys to move and jump. Spacebar also jumps. X or N to glide (unlike what the game says, Shift doesn't glide, our bad). Z or M to dash. Down arrow or D to ground pound. Both dash and ground pound attack. When encountering a gate, click on the ability that you would like to remove. Some abilities can't be removed until others are gone first. Instructions are also in-game.

Credits (alphabetical)

Emmett Taveras (crescentGhoul) | Designer, animator, character artist, concept artist

John Guilfoyle (CrypticF4) | Designer

Joshua Walcott (polygonalcube) ( | Designer, background artist, enemy placer, level designer, player & ability programmer

Owen Miller (ommiller) | Designer, enemy programmer, UI Programmer

Zac Millman (Zac_BM) | Designer, icon artist, tile artist

Music is The Sapphire City by Leonell Cassio on Pixabay.


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